GDPR and Print Solutions

How will GDPR will affect your printer?

July 20th 2017

Greg Downer

Reading Time: 4 Minutes

Is your firm GDPR compliant yet?

GDPR stands for General Data Protection Regulation and is the newest regulation passed by the E.U. parliament in regards to data handling and protection. It brings strict new protocols and regulations which businesses must comply with. The European commission intend to strengthen and unify data protection for all individuals in the E.U. The aim is to give citizens and businesses control over their personal and client data while reducing the chance of data breaches.


All companies must take the necessary steps to make sure they are compliant by the deadline the 14th April 2018. This includes making staff aware that the law is changing, reviewing your current information and privacy policy. Steps also need to be taken to report any data breaches to the supervisory authority and assign someone from your company to monitor your firm’s data protection compliance.

How is your printer affected?

You may not think that the new GDPR regulation would impact your printer but in every office a large volume of uncollected documents are always left by the printer, with possible sensitive information available for anyone to view. Office printers are hugely vulnerable to a data breaches if not locked down with a follow-me solution.


Papercut. This software helps lock down your printer and holds your documents till you authenticate at the machine either via card or pin-code. This software helps keep your private files private. While keeping an eye on daily print usage.

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